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San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo Foundation 
In 1987, college was only a dream for many students. The Association began a scholarship program for graduates from Texas high schools. In the years since, the program has assisted the educational pursuit of more than 170 students. Recipients of the scholarships must participate as members of 4-H, FFA, and/or FCCLA programs, demonstrating the Association's anchored belief in these important youth programs.

In March of 2002, the Association continued it's tradition of serving West Texas youth by developing the San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization.

Our Mission

The mission of the foundation is to manage San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Association scholarship funds to benefit the future growth of the Association.

Endowments, individual, and corporate gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible. The proven generosity of West Texas friends and businesses have helped the Foundation grow into a self-sustaining educational program for young people and serve as an avenue for charitable and memorial giving to the San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo Association.

Charitable and Memorial Donations

Cynthia and Odus Wittenburg Memorial Scholarship
Cynthia and Odus Wittenburg Memorial Scholarship

Foundation Board

President- James Sanderson

Vice President- Larry Garvin

Secretary- Chris Dublin

Treasurer- Brad Fly

Directors: Brenda Kellermeier, Jimmy Barton, John Mayer, Michelle Miller, & Spencer Plagens


Agriculture drives our nation and has a profound impact on youth, deeply ingraining hard work and developing life skills. In 1987, the Association began a scholarship program to benefit the youth of Texas and supporting higher education. The scholarships awarded have assisted the educational pursuit of hundreds of high school students. Through the San Angelo Stock Show, scholarships are awarded based on work inside and outside the classroom identifying well-rounded and driven individuals. Students receiving scholarships participate as members of 4-H and FFA programs, demonstrating the Association's anchored belief in these important youth programs. Recipients of these scholarships will attend an accredited Texas university, college, or technical school. All scholarship applications must be turned in by March 1!
In 2021, the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Foundation is proud to award 19 scholarships to outstanding applicants. These recipients are awarded $8,000 each (payable $1,000 per semester for eight semesters) with one student receiving the $16,000 Kermit Wendland Scholarship. The winner of the Kermit Wendland scholarship will be notified during the scholarship presentation at the Stock Show and Rodeo Annual Membership Meeting.
The Kermit Wendland Scholarship was named in April of 2014. The idea was brainstormed by the former presidents of the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Association, who wanted to award something special in honor of Kermit, who has been a part of the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo for over thirty years. Kermit is currently serving as the Operations Director for the Association and is the heart of the association. He volunteered with the cattle shows prior to becoming a full time staff member. Kermit serves numerous roles, but is a firm believer in the livestock show program. Thanks to a private donation, a scholarship was established to honor such a wonderful, Christian man.
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